
April 2022

In the last two years, I painted many new paintings.

During the uncertainty of the first lockdown, in the spring of 2020, I painted mainly abstracts in order to express the pressure of being locked up. This emotional pressure manifested itself in my own language of shapes and colours.

When the situation in the covid relaxed a little, I returned to figurative painting, and subsequently made paintings of the mountains and the sea, thus showing my desire for harmony and a more positive world situation.

Inspired by daily walks near the Sierra, I painted the same motif over and over again in different environments and colours. The Sea – one of my recurring themes – becomes a metaphor for change.

Covid is still part of our daily life and so are masks, so I decided to integrate masks into my most recent paintings. Some paintings indirectly deal with the futile war in Ukraine and the hope for peace.

Jane Kleinschmit